2022: The Adana School
The 2022 Flagship Legacy Project
After nearly a decade of contributions to causes and charities around the world, in 2022 we formalized our charitable platform, Les Deux Legacy, into its own organization and committed to funding one flagship project each year. Some of our clothing is produced in Adana, Turkey, making us a small part of a local community that hosts thousands of refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria. Parents living in refugee camps are forced to choose each day between working to earn the money they need to survive or looking after their children. Education shouldn’t be a luxury, and we wanted to help. We partnered with the charity 5 Skoler to build a school, fund its yearly running costs, and bought a school bus to get the kids to and from the school each day. The goal was to create a ripple of impact, where increased opportunities for local children would improve the lives of everyone in their community.